American Lung Association

Intervention for Nicotine Dependence: Education, Prevention, Tobacco and Health (INDEPTH) is a new, convenient alternative to suspension or citation that helps schools and communities address the teen vaping problem in a more supportive way. Instead of solely focusing on punitive measures, INDEPTH is an interactive program that teaches students about nicotine dependence, establishing healthy alternatives, and how to kick the unhealthy addiction that got them in trouble in the first place.

Sessions are offered in Elizabethton and Carter County Schools weekly. Facilitator, Denise Woods also offers weekly virtual sessions. See our website calendar or reach out to Denise at for upcoming classes. 

Individual classes may also be scheduled by contacting Denise Woods.

Freedom from Smoking


Although the first steps can be hard, finding your path to a smokefree life is easier with the right help. The American Lung Association’s Freedom From Smoking program is a proven way to quit smoking—and stay quit—even if you’ve tried before and went back to smoking.

Eight week sessions are offered by facilitator, Jilian Reece upon request.

N-O-T: Not on Tobacco

210 South Hills DrElizabethton, TN 37643

Funding provided by grants from the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, United Way of East TN Highlands, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Drug Free Communities Program, National Recreation and Parks Association and others.  

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