Creating a safe & healthy
Carter County
Our mission is to reduce substance abuse through collaborative planning, community action, and policy advocacy.
Youth Opportunities
Creating a healthy Carter County through peer led programs and education.
About Us
Creating a healthy Carter County through trained staff and organizational leaders.
Carter County Collaborative
Creating a healthy Carter County through partnerships.
Upcoming Events
18 Mar Just for Today NA meetings at South Hills Office 18 Mar Christ’s Redemption Church 20 Mar Stashed Away! 22 Mar Just for Today NA meetings at South Hills Office 23 Mar Just for Today NA meetings at South…
FACT #1: According to 2019 TN Together Student Survey, the average age of initiation of alcohol use is 13.4.
FACT #2: According to 2019 TN Together Student Survey, only 20% of students surveyed report alcohol was “very difficult” to access
Impact #1: CCDP will positively impact the average age of initiation of alcohol use through alcohol education within the PEAK Mentor Program, Triple P Program, and other parenting educational opportunities.
Impact #2: CCDP will impact the percentage of students who report alcohol was “very difficult” to access by increasing the percentage from 20% to 25% over 2 year period through retailer trainings, parental education
FACT #1: According to 2019 TN Together Student Survey, 21% of students report using electronic cigarettes in the past month.
FACT #2: According to 2019 TN Together Student Survey, the average age of initiation of cigarette use is 12.
Impact #1: CCDP will impact electronic cigarette use by decreasing the percentage of use in the past month by 3% by 2023
Impact #2: CCDP will positively impact the average of initiation of cigarette use through nicotine education at the early elementary school levels.
FACT #1: According to 2019 TN Together Student Survey,1/34 students report misusing prescription drugs in the past month
Fact #2: According to 2019 TN Together Student Survey, only 10.6% of students report prescription drugs are “very difficult” to access.
Impact #1: CCDP will impact the misuse of prescription drugs by youth through peer education utilizing Coalitions United youth members
Impact #2: CCDP will impact the percent of students who report prescription drugs are “very difficult” to access by increasing the percent through harm reduction strategies such as CLD program, participation in Drug Take Back events and drug education utilizing Coalitions United youth members.