
A coalition is required to focus on the following Center for Substance Abuse Prevention Seven Strategies according to the Tennessee Department of Health and Substance Abuse Services and the National Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

The ways we focus on these strategies for reducing youth binge drinking are: 

  1. Policy, Practice, or Procedure Change      
    • Make rates of past compliance a condition for renewing alcohol sales license.
    • Restrict the location/number of commercial alcohol outlets.
  2. Providing Information
    • Advertise Responsible Beverage Server trainings
    • Disseminate information to parents and youth regarding the risks of binge drinking through evidence-based classes for parents and community members including YMHFA, Triple P and Our Whole Lives.  
    • Aggregate local data to present to city and county commission  
  3. Building Skills
    • Promote Responsible Beverage Server training to coalition members and interested stakeholders
    • Incorporate dangers of teen alcohol use and alcohol use during pregnancy and breastfeeding into retailer education.
  4. Providing Support
    • Promote Responsible Beverage Server training to coalition members and interested stakeholders
    • Inform law enforcement of the results of alcohol purchase surveys.  
  5. Increase Barriers/Reduce Access
    • Provide signage to local retailers  
    • Conduct a “sticker-shock” campaign at local retail outlets identified as hot spots, posting “Over 21” and other stickers on high risk beverages such as Flavored Alcohol Beverages.
  6. Reduce Barriers/Increase Access
    • Disseminate prevention and treatment resources guide to all areas schools
    • Recruit the faith community and others to provide recovery groups and supports  
  7. Changing Incentives/Consequences
    • Recognize partners who have a positive role in addressing binge drinking prevention
    • Use local media to highlight retailers who pass compliance checks to increase support for these enforcement activities
    • Publicly recognize positive youth development opportunities through media, awards, and other methods.        
  8. Changing the Physical Design of the Environment
    • Identify areas in the community where youth congregate and use alcohol and use volunteers to build relationship and connect to resources
    • Provide programming for youth in identified hot spots.  
    • Ensure signage is posted in hot spots stating that it is illegal for minors to consume alcoholic beverages

Reporting Underage Sales

The TABC's agents focus a great deal of their efforts on preventing underage sales of alcoholic beverages to minors. Minor compliance checks of licensed establishments are conducted on regular basis to prevent underage sales of alcoholic beverages. Minor compliance checks are an integral part of protecting our youth against underage drinking by ensuring that licensed establishments comply with the state laws against sales of alcohol to minors.

TIPS: Training for Intervention Procedures

TIPS (Training for intervention procedures) continues to set industry standards for alcohol server training and believes in a community approach to addressing the problems of intoxication, drunk driving and underage drinking. TIPS training empowers the server to observe, intervene and feel confident in handling difficult situations. Carter County Drug Prevention offers TIPS for businesses and individuals. In person classes run 4 to 5 hours and individual classes are done online. For more information or to schedule a class, Call Brittny. 

US Liquor Laws 

Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission

Mission: To protect the public through regulation, education, and enforcement of Tennessee’s alcoholic beverage laws.

Vision: To transform the state’s regulation of the alcoholic beverage industry through technology and innovative leadership.

210 South Hills DrElizabethton, TN 37643

Funding provided by grants from the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, United Way of East TN Highlands, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Drug Free Communities Program, National Recreation and Parks Association and others.  

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